Business Operation Through Lockdown

Dean Gilkison is a Financial Adviser with Gilkison Group.
As you will now know, due to a probable community transmission of COVID, residents of Perth and the South West of WA have been asked to remain at home for the coming five days. Consequently, our team will be operating remotely through the course of this week. We will therefore not be conducting meetings in the office and the office will remain closed.
Prior to the isolation period early last year, we had disaster recovery systems in place to allow for an immediate transition to working remotely. In this instance, as was the case in March last year, we will simply utilise what we have in place to allow our team to perform a normal working day, albeit from our homes.
If you are contacting us via telephone, and are prompted to leave a message, rest assured we will return your call shortly. All our other systems will be functioning normally, so although there will be some differences (perhaps a noisy child or two, or three, in the background), we are taking a ‘business as usual’ approach.
If the five day lock down is extended, we will adapt and revert to using video conferencing such as zoom to conduct meetings as we did last year in March through June. Although we would prefer to see everyone face-to-face, we have everything in place required to continue delivering service uninterrupted.
We trust everyone will stay safe and hope you are all well.